Terms and Conditions

Our terms and conditions for our users

These terms and conditions outline the rules and regulations for the use of ClubQuiz's mobile application.

What’s covered in these terms

Acceptance of Terms

By accessing and using the ClubQuiz app, you agree to be bound by these terms and conditions. If you do not agree with any of these terms, you are prohibited from using the app.

Use License

Permission is granted to download and use the ClubQuiz app for personal, non-commercial use only. This license does not include the right to modify or redistribute the app.

User Content

By using ClubQuiz, you agree not to upload or share any content that is unlawful, defamatory, or infringes on the rights of others. ClubQuiz reserves the right to remove any user-generated content that violates these terms.

Intellectual Property

All content included in the ClubQuiz app, including text, graphics, logos, and images, is the property of ClubQuiz and protected by copyright laws.


In no event shall ClubQuiz or its suppliers be liable for any damages arising out of the use or inability to use the app, even if ClubQuiz has been notified of the possibility of such damages.

Governing Law

These terms and conditions are governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Indian IT Laws , and you irrevocably submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts in that jurisdiction.

If you have any questions or concerns about our Terms and Conditions, please contact us at support@clubquiz.hytek.org.in.

These Terms and Conditions are effective as of 2024 and will remain in effect unless updated or revised.

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